Emo Hairstyles

How to Artistically Accessorize Your Wardrobe

Posted by Unknown
A lot of stylists say that accessorizing one's wardrobe is like putting icing on a cake. I respectfully disagree. Icing can compensate for a cake that's lacking in quality; thereby making it taste better than it really does.
Accessorizing is more like topping a sundae with a cherry. A well-prepared sundae is delicious on its own; the cherry only makes it more inviting and appealing.
Clothing accessories work the same way.
Below you will find tips on some of the more common accessories that can help complete an outfit, along with suggestions on how to best wear them to add artistic flair and personality to your wardrobe.

EARRINGS: Earrings come in a wide variety of shapes and styles. The key is to select earrings which best complement the shape of your face, draws attention to your best features, and accentuates the color scheme of your outfit. Most faces are oval or round. Long faces look best in round earrings (which shorten the face). Short faces look best in long earrings (which lengthen the face). If your face is round, avoid earrings which stick out and appear to make your face look wider. This includes hoops, circles, balls, and pyramid shapes. They are not good choices for you. Straight, long, or skinny earrings are better choices because they will elongate your face.

BELTS: Much like earrings, belts come in a variety of shapes and styles. They can be worn conspicuously, inconspicuously, or fashionably. Skinnier belts are usually just functional. The bigger a belt is, the more multi-functional it becomes because it commands (or deflects) attention as a fashion garment, not just an accessory. Wider belts can create a waistline where one does not exist. It can also create a slenderizing effect. Shorter women should wear belts cautiously with dresses - they tend to visually break the body in half; making you appear shorter. To appear taller, go for a seamless, tapered waist.
Men who wear their shirts tucked in while in the workplace, should wear a belt. Period. Not wearing a belt makes you look incomplete. Black is the universal color for men's belts; however, a well-dressed man should own - in addition to black - a brown, navy blue, and grey belt which matches their pants.

TIES: There has been so much written about the tie as an accessory and I must say, it's very subjective. I will attempt to reduce the confusion through simplification: think of a tie as a means of tying your ensemble together. The shirt, the jacket, the pants - everything you have on. The tie should add style; not detract from it. The tie should increase power; not diminish it.
SHOES: Amazingly, shoes are the one fashion item that most men and women tend to get right (considering the copious options). Women are inclined to variety and volume, and men instinctively gravitate towards higher-end shoes when it's time to dress-up. That's a good choice. I'm partial to my shoes matching my pants, but for most men, black and/or brown dress shoes which are well-kept and polished, are essential. Shoe selection should also be seasonal.
Women who wear high heels with the toes exposed should ALWAYS have the requisite pedicure and nail polish embellishment! Lack thereof is a serious offense that shows lack of attention to detail. Ditto for men wearing dress sandals. Either your toes complement the quality of the shoes you wear, or they detract from it.

ACCOUTERMENTS: Necklaces, rings, bracelets, watches, scarves, glasses, and hats are all accouterments. With the exception of hats (which can be the centerpiece of an ensemble), accouterments and their importance become magnified when you are under greater scrutiny. No one will see the diamond ring you are wearing from across the street, but they will notice it when they engage you in a conversation - along with the necklace, watch, and bracelet you are wearing. The rule of thumb with accouterments is less is ALWAYS more, and your metals should always match. Accouterments should never be used to compensate for an outfit that lacks flair, but should be used as a subtle tool to enhance it.
Happy accessorizing!


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